My First Post

Hellloooooo! This is my 2nd attempt at a blog that I’ve wanted to start for so long. I previously had another blog here on WordPress but I kind of lost touch with it and it started to not really feel like me. So here we go again! My name is LaShara. I am a mommy, wife, and an US Army veteran who is very proud of the time I served. I have traveled to many places here in the great United States as well as some places in Europe also. This is basically my life. Things i’ve learned, things I already know, mommy tips, recipes, and whatever else I come up with. I like to think of myself as an all around woman, because I love almost everything you can think of so this might be an eclectic bunch of just……stuff but bare with me. I’m excited to be going on this journey AGAIN so join it with me!

  • LaShara

6 thoughts on “My First Post

  1. J says:

    Good luck! I’m also just starting out and it’s nice to see someone like me, I don’t feel that alone anymore! Good luck on your blog! All the best! Can’t wait to see your future posts! ❤

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